Hypnosis Trainers |
Name |
Level |
City, State |
Phone |
Email |
Agness, Lindsey | Certified Trainer | Sandwich, Kent | | lindsey@thechangecorporation.com |
Bedi, Kamran | Certified Trainer | , London | | info@kamranbedi.com |
Bochenek, Barbara | Certified Trainer | Chester, Cheshire | | Bh.nlp.coach@gmail.com |
Bradshaw, Julie | Certified Trainer | Loughborough, | | julie@getset4success.co.uk |
Burns, Gary | Certified Trainer | Manchester, | | garykburns@gmail.com |
Burton, Anne | Certified Trainer | Chesterfield, Derbyshire | | connect@anneburton.online |
CARTON, AMY | Certified Trainer | Brighton, East Sussex | | Amy.Carton@outlook.com |
Cole, Tracey J. | Certified Trainer | Leek, Staffordshire | | info@traceycolenlp.com |
Dahdal, Patrick Nader | Certified Trainer | London, | | patrickdahdal8008@gmail.com |
Dawson, Christine | Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer | Oldham, Greater Manchester | | christine@qfscoaching.co.uk |
Dubash, Nishi | Certified Trainer | London, | | nishironnie@hotmail.com |
Dyson, Susan | Certified Trainer | Lees, Gt Manchester Oldham | | dysonsusan@yahoo.co.uk |
Edwards, Sandra | Certified Trainer | St Helens, Merseyside | | info@sandraedwardsconsulting.co.uk |
Ellis, Joanna | Certified Trainer | Lingfield, Surrey | | jo@jojoellis.com |
Evans, Laura | Certified Trainer | Cardiff, | | info@unleashyourpotential.org.uk |
Falconer, Ken | Certified Trainer | County Antrim, Northern Ireland | | email@kennyshouse.com |
Fraser, Caroline | Certified Trainer | Nottingham, Nottinghamshire | | kali@powertosucceed.co.uk |
Fraser, Ronia | Certified Trainer | St. Leonards-On-Sea, East Sussex | | roni@rocknroll.coach |
Gerrard, Diane | Certified Trainer | Poole, Dorset | | diane.gerrard@me.com |
Gordon, Ashley | Certified Trainer | Dorchester, Dorset | | ashplus@outlook.com |
Gowda, Jo | Certified Trainer | Nottingham, Nottinghamshire | | harleyhypnotherapist@gmail.com |
Grey, Edward | Certified Trainer | Roud, Isle of Wight, | | edward@bluetouchpaperconsulting.co.uk |
Hahlo, Rod | Certified Trainer | Bolton, Lancashire | | rod@newperspectivenlp.com |
Hegarty, Claire | Certified Trainer | Chester, Cheshire | | info@tranceformations-pbe.com |
Helliwell, Lynne | Certified Trainer | Manchester, Failsworth | | lynne@helliwellwellbeing.co.uk |
Hemus, Fenella | Certified Trainer | Bristol, | | fenella@fenellahemus.com |
Hill, Sian | Certified Trainer | Bromsgrove, Worechestershire | | sian@beyondcompany.co.uk |
Kay, Steve | Certified Trainer | Castle Donington, Derbyshire | | stevek@qualityculture.co.uk |
Lenihan, Julia | Certified Trainer | Surbiton, Surrey | | Lenihananne@icloud.com |
McDermott, Marc | Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer | liverpool, Merseyside | | marc@nlptraining.org.uk |
McDonald, Roy | Certified Trainer | Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire | | roy@coachforever.co.uk |
McNally, Emma | Certified Trainer | Chelmsford, Essexx | | emma.mcnally@achieveyourgreatness.co.uk |
Mepham-Stone, Conrad | Certified Trainer | Buckinghamshire, | | conradmstone@consoulnlp.com |
Mochrie, Ewan | Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer | Manchester, England | | ewanmochrie@inspire360.co.uk |
Payne-Stanley, Laura | Certified Trainer | WaterloovilleRomsey, Hampshire | | laura@laurapaynestanley.com |
Pengelly, Michael John | Certified Trainer | Bideford, Devon | | info@mjphypnotherapytraining.com |
Prince, Tania A. | Certified Trainer | Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire | | tani@taniaprince.com |
Reed-Robbins, Jessica | Certified Trainer | Torrington, Devon | | jess@reedrobbins.co.uk |
Riskowitz, Narina | Certified Trainer | Leyland, Lancashire | | Narina@BrightFutureNOW.co.uk |
Shephard, David | Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer | Chiswick, | | |
Shiels, Helena Geraldine | Certified Trainer | Manchester, | | geraldineshiels.com@gmail.com |
Strawson, Caroline | Certified Trainer | Northampton, Northants | | cstrawson@btinternet.com |
Tipper, Justin | Certified Trainer | Isle of Man, England | | JAYTIPPER@GMAIL.COM |
Turner, Andrew | Certified Trainer | Hartlepool, | | themissingpiecenlp@outlook.com |
Varcoe, Ralph | Certified Trainer | London, Wimbledon | | info@accelerate-performance.com |
White, Colette | Certified Master Hypnosis Trainer | London, England | | colette@infiniteexcellence.com |
Whitney, Victoria | Certified Trainer | Penzance, Cornwall | | victoria@victoriawhitney.com |
Yianni, Markos | Certified Trainer | Stoke Ferry, Kings Lynn | | myiannis@outlook.com |